Not so fast: Experts are “skeptical” about polls showing Black, Latino voters moving to Trump

The 2024 election has seen no shortage of headlines flagging an apparent slip in support for Democrats among Black and Latino voters. While poll after poll to suggests that former President Donald Trump stands to make some gains among these groups, experts are skeptical of the narrative, at least until Election Day.

In recent years, the Democratic Party has seen its support slip among Black and Hispanic voters, and Republicans, including Trump, have tried to capture these votes. This year, it also looks like Vice President Kamala Harris is set to overperform among older voters, leading to an image of an older and whiter Democratic Party. While there’s been much ink spilled on these trends, the scale of this shift and the potential dangers of reading into it too much has gone under the radar.

There has been no shortage of attention paid to Trump’s reported increase in support among Black Americans this year. In 2020, President Joe Biden […]


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