Authors List


  • Adriana Briff

    Adriana is an educator at the Arroyo school in San Carlos, California, and has a degree in Social Communication from the Faculty of Political Sciences of the National University of Rosario. Mother of Dante, a 20-year-old autistic young man, Adriana enjoys writing daily chronicles about crime, literature or public health news that she has titled "Photos with words." Her texts can be seen on Facebook. She has also published in the magazines Urbanave and in Brando, from Diario Nación.
  • Alexis Oliva

    Alexis Oliva belongs to Generation X. He received a Bachelor's Degree in Social Communication from the National University of Córdoba, to later immerse himself in journalism marked by research and narrative, social conflict and human rights. Between 2003 and 2010, he collaborated with the research for Horacio Verbitsky's books on the political history of the Argentine Catholic Church. In 2010, he covered for Agence France-Presse (AFP) the "Videla" trial of the political prisoners in the Córdoba prison Massacre of 1976. In 2015, he investigated and wrote the script for the docu-fictional series "Gallos Rojos" (Red Roosters) El Calefón – INCAA). He was a professor of Journalism and Literature and Journalistic Investigation at the National University of Catamarca. Currently, he is part of the Journalistic Writing II chair and is secretary of Production and Transmedia at the Faculty of Communication Sciences at UNC. He writes for the magazine El Sur, El Cohete a la Luna, the collective Diciembre and Agencia Presentes. In 2015, he published with Ediciones Recovecos the book "Everything that power hates – A biography of Viviana Avendaño" and in 2022 "Violence was born with me – Chronicles of lives in conflict".
  • Cesar Leo Marcus

    Cesar Leo Marcus was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Doctor (PhD) in International Logistics and Foreign Trade, and Master (MBA) in Economic Sociology, he was professor of both chairs at the Universities of Madrid (Spain) and Cordoba (Argentina). A journalist, he publishes in newspapers in California, Miami, and New York. He is a writer, he published twelve books, and a literary editor, director of Windmills Editions. He currently resides in California.
  • James Heddle and Mary Beth Brangan, – EON, The Ecological Options Network

    JAMES HEDDLE and MARY BETH BRANGAN, life and work partners, are award-winning documentary video and radio producers, educators and organizers. They co-direct EON, the Ecological Options Network, producing documentaries, video reports and blogs on issues, activists and organizations globally working for solutions to planetary challenges. Mary Beth Brangan is a filmmaker and experienced organizer at the community, state, national and international levels. She helped found the successful movement to prevent construction of a nuclear waste dump in Ward Valley California which would have infiltrated the Colorado River, the source of drinking water for millions of people. James Heddle has directed, shot and edited over 19 documentaries and hundreds of video news reports. He taught film production at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, Concordia University, Montreal and other educational institutions.
  • Jose Orlando Castro

    José Orlando Castro is from El Salvador. He studied journalism at the University of El Salvador. Before entering the academy he was a freelance war correspondent. With the signing of the Peace Accords, he studied various workshops on scriptwriting and cinematographic and artistic direction, and obtained diplomas at the Mónica Herrera School of Communication. His photographic exhibitions have been shown at the MUNA Museum of Anthropology with the theme Rehabilitation of women and men in prisons (2016). In the audiovisual field, short films and documentaries have been screened, among them, We see them with sticks, Solidarity without borders, El Trifinio, Let's reject violence, among others.
  • Luis Alberto Rodríguez Ángeles

    Luis Alberto Rodriguez Angeles. Writer and journalist. National Journalism Award for Human Rights by the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights in Mexico. Reporter with 20 years of experience covering social movements. Teacher and activist.
  • Mar[ia Leonor Inca

    Journalist and Entrepreneur María Leonor Inca has 10 years of experience in journalism between Ecuador and the US. She is currently a reporter and news anchor for Vision Latina, as she also did for Estrella Media, Spanish-language television media with coverage for California and nationwide for the United States. She is also a blogger and creator of digital content. When she was 18 years old, she co-founded her own newspaper that served the entire state of Guayas, in her native country of Ecuador, beginning as a print media entrepreneur at an early age. At the age of 19, she managed to enter the renowned national newspaper, Diario Hoy, for which she covered historical events in the country, such as the new constitutional reform of the country by President Rafael Correa. At the age of 20, she began working in television, as an investigative reporter and producer of various segments in prime time on the News program, “Ecuador Insólito” on TC Television, National channel. María Leonor took a brief break from journalism in Ecuador in 2012, to travel through Europe, America and the Middle East to learn English and start blogging about her experiences, with interviews with celebrities, lifestyle, fashion, entertainment and opinion. policy. She did this before continuing her television career in the US.
  • Vanessa Cardenas

    Vanessa Cárdenas is the Executive Director of America’s Voice


  1. Felicito a los autores de este sitio por la calidad de sus contenidos y por la diversidad de opiniones. Ha sido un placer recorrer esta revista.
    Saludos desde España.

  2. Buenos días,

    Mi nombre es José Hernández y soy el nuevo manejador de servicios Latinos en la Asociación de Alzheimer.
    Me gustaría saber si sería posible escribir un artículo para su periódico acerca de esta devastadora enfermedad en la comunidad Latina. Como nuestra organización es de no lucro, y se basa primordialmente en donaciones personales como estatales, estoy buscando maneras gratuitas de educar a la comunidad Latina y proporcionar servicios gratuitos a tal.
    Gracias por su tiempo


    José Hernández
    Manager of Latino Services
    Alzheimer’s Association

  3. I love this blog and keep coming back for more! I also like what this latin singer Lorena Nicole has done with CeCe Peniston’s Song “Finally”, released it as “Finalmente”

  4. Quiero expresar a HispanicLA mi admiración y respeto por el excelente material que publican y por el acertado criterio de amplia participación que hacen del sitio un espacio de referencia privilegiada para la gente que hace y promueve la cultura.

  5. Desearía tener contacto con personajes que les guste leer, escribir y la música que es mi pasión. Les brindo mi amistad sincera y mi cariño. Soy mexicano del planeta tierra y me siento bien de pertenecer a él. De antemano Gracias.

  6. Hola Sarai, que gusto conocerte hoy en el desayuno de SAIE, claro soy la perdida en el estacionamiento!!! Tus publicaciones realmente me parecen interesantes y divertidos, espero podamos seguir en contacto.

    1. Hola Karina,
      Te agradezco el habernos escrito, y me alegra que te haya divertida leer mis participaciones.
      Te dejo un abrazo y espero también seguir en contacto contigo, espero verte en la siguiente junta o bien nos podemos contactar por e-mail, te dejo el mío:

      Sarai Ferrer

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