The Process of Creation, by Cesar Leo Marcus

After analyzing thousands of patents corresponding to innovations made in the 20th century, it was concluded that despite the apparent difference between one invention and another, there are patterns that are continually repeated and that different problems had been solved with similar solutions.

There are five patterns called “principles of evolution of creativity” that, in general terms, are oriented towards the intangible and, fundamentally, to simplify the life of the human being.

The principles of evolution of creativity

Our relationship with the environment

Once we know the “principles of evolution of creativity”, we must know that all our creations are linked to our relationship with the environment, to the things that happen to us and that activate our feelings, including the way of seeing reality that It was instilled from childhood.

It has been discovered that people tend to be more creative if they experience emotions after having a good idea, a positive and constructive occurrence that leads them to solve a problem or improve a situation.

We must achieve an emotional balance that will lead us to greater creativity, the ability to enjoy exploration and discovery, without shyness, without sorrow, without fear, paying attention to a world in constant change, supported by the ability to feel pleasure in life. relaxation, in allowing us to recover energy to keep us healthy and happy.

Relaxation, exploration, attention and discovery, are the four steps for positive creation, choosing the approach of creativity to make it become a constant, in a flow of new creative ideas, beginning to see life every day, as endless possibilities.

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