The story of “The Book of Oera Linda” deserves to be part of a “streaming” series, since its story contains all the necessary ingredients, such as suspense, intrigue, occultism, controversy and action.
“Very Old” History
The Book of Oera is a manuscript written in “Old Frisian”, a West German language spoken by the people of Fresia in the 8th century, on the North Sea coast, the work includes historical, mythological and religious themes, from 2194 BC. until 806 AD (3000 years)
The current Frisians live in Fresland, a province of the Netherlands, maintaining the language and literature of their ancestors with very few changes.
“The Oera Linda Book” was discovered in 1867, in an old library and donated, in 1938, to the province of Fresland, to be translated into Dutch in 1872 by the Frisian Society of History and Culture and into English by William Sandbach in 1876. .
From that moment on, a public controversy began about the veracity of the work, not only because of its antiquity but also because of its content.
The Book
The story begins in 2194 B.C. when a great explosion makes a gigantic island, inhabited by a great civilization, disappear under the water (some suppose that it speaks of Atlantis).
But the main theme of the work is the story of Fresia, governed by a succession of celibate matriarchs or priestesses dedicated to the goddess Frya, daughter of the creator God and Mother Earth, who created an alphabet, long before the Greek alphabets and phoenician
The work is divided into 6 sections with 53 chapters.
2-Writings of Adela
3-Writings of Adelbrost and Apollonia
4-Writings of Frêthorik and Wiljow
5-Writings of Konerêd
Half of the work is covered by the Escritos de Adela, which were compiled in the 6th century BC. based on oral accounts of the time, the remaining sections are incomplete.
The Nazi Bible
Between 1876 and 1933 the debates died down, until the Dutch philologist Herman Wirth published a German translation called the “Nordic Bible”, taken immediately by Heinrich Himmler, who took advantage of its association with occultism and mysticism, to such an extent that the work became reissued as the “Himmler Bible” delimiting his “Esoteric Nordisism”. Of course, controversy over the veracity of the book continued, but Himmler’s endorsement quelled all discussion.
A New Era
The book begins with the sinking of a gigantic island, located in the Atlantic Ocean, this sparked the imagination of multiple authors, the first being Robart Scrutton in The Other Atlantis (1977) and Secrets of Lost Atland (1979), but then many others. they followed suit, even delving deeper into the esoteric part of the book, blending neo-pagan traditions, and arguing that the Book of Oera Linda reveals the truth about ancient European megalithic culture.
True or false?
Its first translator into English, R. Sandbach, in the preface of his work leaves more doubts than certainties…
-“I must admit that the book has been written with a noble objective and by an intelligent person, because the stories expressed in it are of a highly moral tendency. Regarding the facts, some can be validated by regular history and others deal with events of which we do not have historical records, in any case this does not offend our ideas of possibility or probability, approving or not the veracity of the content”.