Neo-Nazis call to make May 5th ‘Report An Illegal Day’

The flyers have been circulating in Phoenix for a few days now. The message is direct: “Report an illegal today!” Sponsored by the National Socialist Movement, which is considered by many as a neo-Nazi hate group; the leaflets are being distributed to coincide with Cinco de Mayo, a Mexican holiday known across the United States due to its wide commercialization depicting folkloric icons, mariachis, spicy food, margaritas and piñatas.

Turn people to ICE

The NSM is calling May 5th “Report An Illegal Day” and passing out flyers inciting people to fax or email Congress and demand the border to be secured, asking local businesses to utilize e-verify and to denounce and turn in individuals to DHS and ICE.

The NSM website also asks American “patriots” to make copies of the pamphlet and distribute as many as possible.   Below, you can see the literal reproduction of a paragraph referring to the flyer (including its original semantic and punctuation errors.)

Their is no reason why any member should not be able to make 25 copies or more and hand them out . They could be handed out person to person , left under windshield wipers , in books , in literature racks just make sure these get out .

Be safe and always hold your self and members to the highest standards , look into any laws in your area and always carry your rights for literature distribution from the site.”

Many Phoenix-area residents reacted with indignation after learning about the NSM’s campaign, but members of “the premier white civil rights organization in the world” as they call themselves, say they are exercising their right under the First Amendment.  Local police is aware of the handouts as well.

Cinco de Ammo

At the beginning of April, another group named Arizona Citizens Militia, called on Arizonans to celebrate “Cinco de Ammo” (mocking “Cinco de Mayo”) by purchasing five boxes of ammunition on 5 May 2010.

“We call on Arizona Patriots to help us celebrate this historical event on 5 May 2010, by going out and purchasing five boxes of ammunition. We refer to this day of celebration as “Cinco de Ammo,” says the message that is still posted on their website.

The campaign of the National Socialist Movement, as well as the extreme call of the Arizona Citizens Militia, come in a moment when Arizona is facing the turmoil after the passage of the “Support Our Law Enforcement and Safe Neighborhoods Act,” (Senate Bill 1070) which was introduced by state Sen. Russell Pearce and signed into state law by Gov. Jan Brewer on April 23rd.

The new immigration law which criminalizes undocumented aliens present in that state has triggered a wave of protests within immigrant rights advocates, Congressmen, and religious leaders who demand immigration overhaul and for the Obama administration to separate the issues of the immigrant communities and those derived from the violence generated in the border by the drug cartels.

Today, when the celebrations of Cinco de Mayo to commemorate Puebla’s battle occur south of the border, in Phoenix, the NSM will be passing out flyers and recruiting members across the Valley, while the ACM will be calling to purchase ammunition.


For more info:

Please read the NSM’s Report An Illegal Day flyer in a pdf format.

Please visit the National Socialist Movement website.

Please visit the Arizona Citizens Militia website.


  • (Spanish version after this) Aurelia Fierros has lived in the Los Angeles area for nearly 10 years. During her journalism career years, she has been a reporter, script writer, producer and host for TV and Radio newscasts, as well as columnist and article writer for print media in Mexico City. After her arrival to the US in 2000, Aurelia has worked as a freelance reporter, as a corporate communications specialist and as a translator. She has extensive experience and a natural ability for dissecting political and current general issues. Aurelia obtained a Bachelor Degree in Communications Sciences from the University of Sonora, in Hermosillo, Mexico. Locally, she has completed several courses of the Certificate Program in Journalism with concentration in Print and Broadcast Media, at UCLA. *** Nació en Hermosillo, Sonora, México. Ha sido reportera, guionista, productora y conductora de noticieros de TV y radio; articulista y columnista de medios impresos en su país natal. Presenció desde “adentro” la corrupción de la política mexicana cuando al formar parte de la cobertura de la campaña presidencial de 1994, asesinan a Luis Donaldo Colosio, candidato por el entonces partido en el poder, el PRI. A partir de su llegada a los Estados Unidos, en el año 2000, Aurelia se ha desempeñado como periodista independiente, especialista en comunicación corporativa y traductora. Egresada de la facultad de ciencias sociales de la Universidad de Sonora como Licenciada en Ciencias de la Comunicación. Localmente, ha acreditado diversos cursos del Programa de Certificación en Periodismo con concentración en medios impresos y electrónicos de UCLA.

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