Latino Voters at High Risk for Misinformation in Midterm Elections

This November, the midterm elections will take place under additional stress due to the spread of the Big Lie of a stolen 2020 election and plunging voter trust in elections. To make matters worse, a flood of new restrictive voting laws passed since 2020, fueled by those same baseless claims of a rigged election, has transformed the nation’s electoral system and, in many cases, infused more doubts and confusion.

All that turmoil is creating space for dangerous misinformation to thrive especially for Latino voters, who represent a growing political force. Latino voters face exceptionally high risks from election misinformation because new voters and new citizens grapple with distinct challenges in navigating the thicket of misinformation on elections. Latinos are the largest share of the nation’s newly registered voters and the target for restrictive laws that aim to curb their rising voting power.

When the demand for information eclipses its supply, the gaps that follow can enable misinformation to take root and flourish. Several states expanded access to voting after 2020, prompting calls for voter education on the changes. And an unprecedented wave of new laws that restrict voting access has created special […]


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