In photos: How Martin Luther King Jr. inspired Latinos

Hoping to organize a march against poverty, Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. was working with Mexican American civil rights leaders in Texas and California a few months before his assassination.

Through the lens: These photos show how many Latinos in the U.S. and Latin America have been inspired by King in their pushes for human and civil rights and immigration reform.

Chicano Movement leader Reies López Tijerina speaks at the Lorraine Hotel in Memphis on May 2, 1968, where Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated.

Photo: Corbis/Bettmann Archives via Getty Images

Coretta Scott King and UFW farm worker union leader Cesar Chavez attend a march on Jan. 15, 1976.

Photo: Bettmann Archives via Getty Images

A portrait of young Martin Luther King Jr. is displayed during the opening exhibition “A dream of equality” in Mexico City, Mexico, on July 7, 2016.

Photo: Miguel Tovar/LatinContent via Getty Images

Gaspar Carmen wears a Martin Luther King Jr. sweatshirt as he works in a communal vegetable garden where Latinos and African Americans till their […]


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