E-Democracy, by Cesar Leo Marcus

Most democratic countries are characterized by being bipartisan, but citizens know that, when voting, both parties are the two sides of the same coin.

End of bipartisanship

A pragmatic leader knows that, in order to “manipulate” his followers, he must do promises that can never be fulfilled, and an idealistic leader despite believing in his promises, deep down understands that, for different reasons and circumstances, these promises are very difficult to achieve.
So, for opposite reasons, both ideologies make unrealizable promises and both candidates knowingly mislead their supporters.

Are idealism and pragmatism in retreat?

The 21st century presents us with a new challenge, which is e-democracy, a form of participatory democracy that, associated with the impact of technology on the administration and participation of citizens, gives rise to a new form of government.
Digitization and the right of access to documents increases transparency and knowledge of political activities, with quality of participation and responsibility in citizens, directly impacting the relationship between the inhabitants and their elected representatives, who can connect with their electoral base. to know your preferences and evaluate the political options that will be taken when casting your legislative vote.

Technological Literacy

A prompt and effective technological literacy will be necessary, to give rise to the greatest number of citizens to e-democracy, so that each and every one can present and/or debate ideas. Today there is a large number of underrepresented people, who are politically absent from democratic platforms, whom the traditional political parties seek to hide in order to delay the political impact.

New concepts

Together with e-democracy, several technological forms of government are born, such as e-law, e-voting, e-participation, creating a potential to improve the relationship of digital citizens with great advantages in the impact of their democracies.

Of course, there are still theoretical and empirical gaps that are analyzed in projects presented in Italy, France, Sweden and the United Kingdom, where they prioritize the user’s perspective, instead of the visions of politicians and technicians, to address quality standards. democratic, balancing the debate for the benefit of the citizenry.

Within the idea of e-participation, it includes exchange, discussion, debate, recognition and, hopefully, but not necessarily agreement, understanding that, although this search ends in the collective, it begins in the personal, supported in research, learning and reflection.
That is why the Internet must be an open and free space, without censorship or coercion, with communication privacy, including accessible encryption, where there are ways to verify the accuracy of information and solutions to the problem of fake news.

New challenges

Surely a set of new challenges will arise to replace the challenges that technicians, politicians and specialized citizens will solve, for this they must maintain an open and flexible position while exploring the future of electronic democracy.

One of the new challenges is the contribution of Artificial Intelligence, which some see as an enemy of e-democracy but which, with the right approach, can be transformed into a personal avatar, negotiating the political interests, of each citizen according to the prior information provided by him.
Technology changed our lives, it’s time to help us change our society and its rulers.


  • Cesar Leo Marcus

    Cesar Leo Marcus was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Doctor (PhD) in International Logistics and Foreign Trade, and Master (MBA) in Economic Sociology, he was professor of both chairs at the Universities of Madrid (Spain) and Cordoba (Argentina). A journalist, he publishes in newspapers in California, Miami, and New York. He is a writer, he published twelve books, and a literary editor, director of Windmills Editions. He currently resides in California.

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