Yenny Delgado

Yenny Delgado is a Social Psychologist and a ruling elder in the Presbyterian Church U.S.A. (PCUSA). She earned a bachelor’s in Theology from Biblical Latin America University (Costa Rica), a Master in Cooperation and International Development at Jaume I University (Spain) and a Master in Public Theology at Wesley Theological Seminary (United States). Born in Peru, Yenny is Native American descendant and has a deep appreciation of her cultural roots. From a young age, Yenny was immersed in the history of her indigenous people by her grandmother. She is the founder of PUBLICA, Theology in Public Life, PUBLICA is a forum where issues of theology, society, culture, and politics meet in thoughtful and timely reflections and articles. The website encourages active theologians to distill thoughts into written works for sharing and discussion. As a dedicated lifelong learning in her ministry she focuses on applying lesson-learned from practices across the globe in order to promote the well-being of the entire community.
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