Another crowned Queen joins the anti-LGBT dark side

Mexican actress Karyme Lozano was crowned Queen of the San Francisco LGBT Pride Parade in 2008. So I was shocked to hear that she has joined the Latino Partnership for Conservative Principles in a new initiative benefiting radically conservative Carly Fiorina, who is running for pro-LGBT Senator Barbara Boxer’s U.S. Senate seat.

Your Values

At a press conference this week hosted at the Millennium Biltmore Hotel in Los Angeles, the Washington-DC-based conservative Latino group announced the $1 million-dollar “Tus valores” (“Your Values”) campaign to bring their toxic agenda to California by helping elect anti-equality candidates like Fiorina.

It is troubling to see Karyme Lozano blatantly disregard the LGBT community’s warm embrace. It is even more disturbing to see her align herself with a group that disingenuously propagates the Latino values of familia y tradición as rigid conservative convictions. Furthermore, Lozano serves on the advisory board of the misguided Latino conservative group.

She is alongside with fellow actor Eduardo Verastegui. He, in 2008 campaigned against marriage equality. The group has taken bold steps to joining the hate mongering anti-marriage groups.

The Latino Partnership for Conservative Principles, a project of American Principles in Action, made public they received a significant contribution from the anti-LGBT National Organization for Marriage, yet as the LA Times reports, none of the parties involved in the fundraiser have “filed financial records with the Internal Revenue Service — nor are they required to.” What we do know is that these groups will continue injecting their money into the campaigns of anti-equality candidates in order to sway voters’ opinions.

Latinos as target

Their target is now the 13 million Latinos that call California their home. We should expect to see much of what we saw in the 2008 elections again in the coming months. These groups continue to fuel the anti-LGBT rhetoric already present in Latino media. They spread the same vicious lies and scare tactics used during the Prop. 8 campaign.

While we know a large majority of Latinos identify as Catholics, we’ve also learned that many of them are very likely to become supportive of the right for same-sex couples to marry. Among those Latinos who identify as Catholics, 57 percent are already supportive of marriage equality. Additionally, thanks to the efforts of Californians working to win marriage back for all, we’ve seen an increase in the support for civil marriage rights for same-sex couples, with the majority of Latinos now supporting these rights.

Marriage equality

In the last year, public opinion has significantly progressed on the issue of marriage equality; yet there is still much work to be done. Our Golden State has some of the most comprehensive protections for LGBT people and minorities. We cannot allow it to regress into a one with a climate of hostility and fear. We should not become content with the positive numbers on our favor.

I instead we should work together toward redoubling our work. The fight for full equality for all calls for our combined efforts in order to successfully stop Lozano, Verastegui and their anti-LGBT group from importing hate into our state.


  • Jorge Amaro

    Jorge Amaro es actualmente el gerente de comunicaciones para California Para La Igualdad (EQCA por sus siglas en ingles), la organización más grande de California dedicada a apoyar los derechos de la comunidad lésbica, gay, bisexual, y transgénero (LGBT). Antes de unirse con EQCA, Jorge trabajo como maestro de secundaria en el Sur de Los Angeles. Mientras terminaba sus estudios universitarios, Jorge tomo el puesto de coordinador del programa de alfabetización para niños y adultos del proyecto de escuelas del Distrito de Colombia (DC Schools Project) dentro del Centro por la Justicia Social (Center for Social Justice). Además, como autor de la revista Adelante, la única revista nacional de la comunidad gay Latina, él también contribuye a los sitios de noticias del internet de CA Ripple Effect, LA Progressive e Hispanic LA. Jorge nació en el Este de Los Angeles en California, y estudio literatura norteamericana en la Universidad de Georgetown. Twitter:

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  1. we ask for tolerance and we are giving zero tolerance to karime. Ive NOT heard one single word of hatred from her towards us, that woman asked her questions and karime answered in an honest way. The day we stop bullying and attacking people that think in a different way, that day we will be seen in a different way. Ive been insulted just for saying this! some “friends”, have called me anti-gay,just because I dont believe exactly in the same things, I dont give a sh…if I sign or not a paper, I still do whatever I want with my body and my life. Anti gay! hahaha Im gay! I respect everyones ideas, I know gay haters, and she is not! get over with it!

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